Monday, June 15, 2009

Map of Today's Learning Terrain

With the last post, I shared the mind map by Marilyn Martin of today's learning world. After thinking about it, I realized that I am pretty close to that"Food Critic" model. When I need to know something, I research and find it. This learning can happen by reading, listening, sharing, and talking. It can happen online or face to face. More and more I rely on RSS feeds to bring information to me which then I store via my Delicious or Diigo account. Retrieving that information is important, so I also use tagging to make sure I never lose it.

Wow has learning changed since I was in school. I do more learning than training, more sharing than teaching. Knowledge management is so critical to my position, to my life.

So think about how you learn. If you want to expand your knowledge of a learnining organization and what that means be sure to take advantage of the WebJunction course "Power of Learning Organizations." Be sure to sign into WebJunction Idaho to take advantage of the free course!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Integrating Technology

The 12 Essentials for Integrating Technology by Richard Byrne is a great list of Web 2.0 tools to explore for teachers and librarians.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Leadership 2.0

First of June -- a new month and a new commitment to post more often. Today with the buzz of Web 2.0 and everything else 2.0 , Michael Hyatt has a great post on Leadership 2.0. I love the way he uses the words embrace, demonstrate, celebrate, employ, practice, and build in terms of leadership! Michael says it best so please follow the link and read: